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Writer's pictureNeal Shikes

Retirement Plan Fiduciaries: A Storm On the Horizon

It seems Retirement Plan Sponsors should be taking their Fiduciary Duties more seriously or the legal community will.

The decision, in itself, to select an Investment Adviser, Record-keeper, Administrator, etc. is a fiduciary action. While the Financial Service Industry is focused on fees, commissions, exemptions, and conflicts of interest, the Fiduciary Responsibility of oversight seems to be lost in the equation.

Sometimes, the evidence of history can be seen in our courts. As of now the fear focus seems to be on allegations of excessive fees, commissions, and conflicts of interests. However, Retirement Plan Sponsors should be focusing their concerns on allegations of oversight and/or lack of prudence. Litigation storm clouds are gathering over the documented plan Fiduciaries for not monitoring either the investment options via analytic evidence or for not monitoring the performance of those parties assisting the Fiduciary for monitoring the investment options. If the correct facts and allegations supporting propositions directed at the proper defendant trend, expect a “cloud burst” of legal activity against Retirement Plan Sponsors.

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